Providence Diamond

Providence Diamond
Local Providence Jewelry Store
Goal: Social Media Management
Result: Created content for Instagram account with over 9k followers
At Providence Diamond, I jumped into a brand I knew very little about. It was a great learning experience to create content and marketing strategy for a consumer I didn’t know.
I started out as the in-house photographer and, after working with the product and the team, felt confident to move forward with more design responsibilities. This included copywriting for social channels, designing and creating content for weekly email campaigns, working directly with a Facebook Ads consultant, and managing Facebook events.
I further developed the branding and became the lead designer for postcards, in-store signage, billboards, brochures, and any print collateral. When the company launched its new website, I was charged with updating the homepage weekly and creating any custom graphics the website may need.
During Covid, I helped transition annual events to virtual events through social media and video.
Key Responsibilities
Lead designer for the brand and its marketing channels, including social media, billboards, and print collateral
Content creator and strategist
In-house photographer
Copywriter for social, email campaigns, events, and advertising
Transitioned annual events to virtual experiences during Covid
Maintained Squarespace e-commerce website